Patient Data

Large lobular heterogeneous soft tissue mass centered on the left maxillary sinus. The mass invades many surrounding structures, including:
- superomedial left retrobulbar orbit, displacing the superior rectus, superior oblique, and medial rectus muscles
- most of the left ethmoidal sinus, protruding to the right through the septum
- left nasal cavity, including the middle and inferior turbinates
- medial and lateral pterygoid muscles and masseter muscle
The left middle ear and mastoid air cells are completely opacified.

Large lucency highly suspicious for a lytic metastasis centered on the right side of the T12 vertebral body, involving the right pedicle and upper end-plate and the head of the right 12th rib. Pathological fracture of T12 manifesting as mild vertebral collapse on the right.

Non-contrast CT head better delineates the extent of bony destruction, including the left side of the maxilla (floating teeth) most of the left orbit, a large chunk of the ethmoid bone, and the left zygoma.
CT abdomen shows the lytic T12 vertebral lesion which narrows the spinal canal and involves the right transverse process, as well as the head of right 12th rib.

The primary tumor shows avid radiotracer uptake. The T12 vertebra shows increased uptake.
There is a fracture of the right humeral shaft with angulation.
Case Discussion
Maxillary sarcoma with far metastasis.