Not provided.
Patient Data

Midline posterior fossa, an extra-axial large mass is noted demonstrating intermediate signal intensity on T1 and T2 and avidly enhancing post-Gad administration. The mass shows no restriction on DWI. The mass has a broad base with the midline tentorium cerebelli and no significant supratentorial extension. The lesion is compressing cerebellar hemispheres and abutting the vermis. No significant perilesional edema.
Compression of the upper fourth ventricle with proximal triventricular mild hydrocephalus is noted.
Superiorly the lesion is markedly compressing the straight sinus and abutting the torcular herophili and proximal transverse sinuses.
There is also cerebellar tonsillar herniation representing increased pressure superiorly.
Partial empty sella sign and tortuosity of the optic nerves are noted (signs of increased intracranial pressure).
Case Discussion
The features suggest infratentorial midline large meningioma.