Perforated descending colonic diverticulitis into the anterior abdominal wall
Left iliac fossa pain for 10 days, but not unwell. Normal bowel motions. Patient was well and walked into private radiology clinic. Minor focal tenderness over a palpable mass in the left iliac fossa.
Patient Data
Note: This case has been tagged as "legacy" as it no longer meets image preparation and/or other case publication guidelines.
Oral contrast given but no...

Oral contrast given but no IV C+ due to moderate renal dysfunction
Gas-filled fistula between the descending colon passing through the anterior abdominal wall to enter a large gas-filled cavity in the subcutaneous fat. Note reactive inflammatory change in surrounding fat.
Follow up 1 month later

Follow-up 1 month later (on oral antibiotics) showing closure of the fistula (arrow) but development of an abscess requiring surgical drainage