Pulmonary aspergilloma

Diagnosis certain


Incidental finding on CT neck

Patient Data

Age: 49
Gender: Male

CT Chest

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C+ arterial
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This study is a stack
C+ arterial
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Patient went on to have a formal CT chest for further investigation

12 x 20 x 36 mm (ML x AP x SI) cavity is again noted within the left upper lobe abutting the oblique fissure and contains a low density nodule with surrounding air.  Blebs and bulae are seen throughout the left lung with bullae adjacent to the oblique fissure. Scarring is seen within the left upper lobe and
superior segment of the lower lobe. 

Minor pleural thickening associated with scarring in the left costophrenic  angle and along the left lateral chest wall. On the right side scarring with associated atelectasis are seen within the posterior subpleural region of the lower lobe and in the lateral superior lower lobe with adjacent ground glass opacity seen associated with this focus of consolidation. Right apical blebs also noted.


Bronchiectasis, scarring and bullae are associated with a left apical cavity  containing a soft tissue nodule, is in keeping with a fungal ball  (presumably Aspergilloma).

Case Discussion

Typical appearance of a pulmonary aspergilloma.

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