Sonographic kidney length percentiles by body length or height
Sonographic kidney lenght percentiles in children based on the results of a multicenter study with 1758 healthy participants from Central Europe aged 0-19 years (see references).

Sonographic kidney lenght percentiles in children based on the results of a multicenter study with 1758 healthy participants aged 0-19 years 1.
Case Discussion
The best predictor of renal length in children is height, regardless of sex 1. Median and lower and upper limits of normal kidney length in millimeters in children can be calculated using the following formulas 1:
2.5th percentile: 0.4 × height [cm] + 20.4
50th percentile: 0.5 x height [cm] + 28.2
97.5th percentile: 0.5 × height [cm] + 34.8