Left hemiparesis with right port wine stain.
Patient Data
Age: 15 years
Gender: Male
From the case:
Sturge-Weber syndrome


The MRI demonstrate:
- volume loss of the right hemisphere
- subcortical calcification well-visualized on GE as regions of signal drop out
- prominent leptomeningeal enhancement in the right frontal and ocipitoparietal regions
- ipsilateral calvarial enlargement with dilated intradiploic veins
- enlarged ipsilateral choroid plexus
- dilatation of transparenchymal veins
- ipsilateral orbital choroidal thickening with enhancement in keeping with a choroidal hemangioma
- ipsilateral falcine displacement
Case Discussion
The clinical presentation and the MRI features are most consistent with Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Additional contributor: Bilel Bourahla, MD CHU Constantine