Cordocentesis is a method of fetal blood sampling which is usually carried out under ultrasound guidance.
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It may be performed for various reasons which include:
- establish the degree of a fetal anemia
- further investigation of an underlying chromosomal anomaly
- further investigation of an in utero infection
Usually, a 20-gauge spinal needle is inserted under direct sonographic guidance towards the umbilical vein. A typical sampling site would be where the segment of the umbilical cord is closest to the placenta where the cord is relatively fixed. The presence of a posterior placenta increases the difficulty of the procedure and in such cases, a muscle relaxant may be required prior to the procedure to immobilize the intervening fetus.
There is a higher complication rate if performed prior to 20 weeks. An associated fetal loss rate as high as 4% has been reported 2.
Recognized complications include:
- transient bleeding at the puncture site
- transient fetal bradycardia
- chorioamnionitis
- cord hematoma