Wilms tumor (staging)

Last revised by Calum Worsley on 30 Aug 2022

Wilms tumor staging is largely anatomical and relates to the invasion and spread of the tumor. Where there is invasion or metastasis, prognosis is poorer. Wilms tumor is one of the more common childhood malignancies.

  • stage I
    • confined to kidney
    • complete resection possible
  • stage II
    • local spread beyond kidney including renal vein involvement
    • complete resection possible
  • stage III
    • lymph node involvement or
    • disease confined to the abdomen: e.g. peritoneal spread, residual tumor
    • complete resection NOT possible
  • stage IV
    • hematogenous metastases (typically lungs, liver, distant nodes)
  • stage V
    • bilateral renal involvement
    • each kidney should be staged individually

A similar staging classification exists for renal cell carcinoma and is called the Robson staging system.

Cases and figures

  • Case 1: Wilms tumor stage IV

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