Pulmonary hamartoma

Case contributed by Rania Adel Anan
Diagnosis probable


Evaluation of a known case of right breast cancer after conservative breast surgery.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Female
This study is a stack
Axial C+ portal
venous phase
This study is a stack
Axial lung

A small solitary pulmonary nodule is noted in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe measuring about 8 mm with a fat density inside (about -10 HFU) is suggestive of hamartoma.

No detected significant mediastinal lymphadenopathy or other suspicious lesions in the rest of the study.

Two hyperdense clips are seen within the right breast parenchyma.

Mild diffuse skin thickening of the left breast is noted, measuring about 6 mm.

An irregular soft tissue mass with fat density inside is seen at the right axilla (the operative bed). It measures about 14 x 32 mm.

Case Discussion

This patient recently underwent conservative breast surgery for a pathologically proven breast carcinoma with no definite distant metastasis.

The radiological appearance of the pulmonary nodule in the right upper lung lobe was highly suggestive of hamartoma. However, follow-up was advised considering the patient clinical history.

The right breast and right axilla findings likely represent post-operative changes with the axillary mass mostly representing traumatic fat necrosis.

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