Admitted with distended abdomen and vomiting.
Patient Data
Age: 55 years
Gender: Male
From the case:
Gastric outlet obstruction - gastric carcinoma
Grossly distended stomach, containing a large volume of debris. Thickening and enhancement of the anturm/pylorus of the stomach, suggestive of a tumor.
From the case:
Gastric outlet obstruction - gastric carcinoma
Gastroscopy and biopsy - proven adenocarcinoma. Patient proceeded to surgery.
Stenosing tumor, which caused the gastric outlet obstruction - gross specimen post partial gastrectomy.
Distal gastrectomy (unopen gross specimen).
Stenosing tumor at the antropyloric region (open specimen)
Case Discussion
Surgical correlate images for a gastric malignancy causing outlet obstruction.