Crohn disease

Case contributed by Avni K P Skandhan
Diagnosis probable


Abdominal pain, diarrohea and a history of weight loss

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male

Note: This case has been tagged as "legacy" as it no longer meets image preparation and/or other case publication guidelines.


Post contrast coronal images of the abdomen show a long segment ileal loop thickening, with prominence of the mesenteric vasculature - comb sign. There is also minimal ascites. 

These features are in favor of Crohn disease.

Case Discussion

Crohn disease is an inflammatory bowel disease, with a classical intestinal and many associated extraintestinal manifestations. The intestinal manifestations are classically seen on barium studies. The imaging features are bowel wall thickening with enhancement, comb sign i.e prominent intestinal arcades towards the mesenteric side of the involved bowel loop, separation of bowel loops, formation of strictures and fistulae.

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