Recurrent renal cell carcinoma

Case contributed by Ahmed Abdrabou
Diagnosis almost certain


Follow up study of a known patient with renal cell carcinoma underwent right nephrectomy.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male
This study is a stack
Axial C+
arterial phase
This study is a stack
Axial C+ portal
venous phase
This study is a stack
Axial lung
This study is a stack
Coronal C+ portal
venous phase
This study is a stack
Axial C+
arterial phase
This study is a stack
Axial C+

At the operative bed of right nephrectomy there is irregular shape ill defined heterogenous soft tissue mass lesion with necrotic and enhancing areas. It infiltrates the adjacent psoas muscle and hepatic parenchyma with associated large right hepatic lobe hypervascular focal lesion and right upper lobe lung nodule.

Case Discussion

Local recurrence of renal cell carcinoma following nephrectomy is not uncommon. it is usually occurred in the first three to five years and hence regular follow up is important to detect early detection. Recurrence is more common with locally advanced tumor and in sarcomatoid histology. Treatment options include radiofrequency ablation, cryotherapy and surgery.

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