Fever and cough. Middle Eastern-born patient.
Patient Data
The CXR shows multiple, well-defined, large, rounded opacities in both hemithoraces. There is no calcification within these opacities. One of these appears to be a cavitating lesion in the right upper-mid zone, with somewhat thick-walled and smooth inner margin, showing an undulating/wavy air-fluid level.
No pleural effusion.
The visualized skeleton appears unremarkable.
Multiple hypodense lesions of fluid attenuation in both lungs; one of them is cavitating in the apical segment of the right lower lobe. There are few, relatively thick-walled, cystic lesions in the liver (segment VI and VIII). No ascites in the given images. No pleural effusion. No mediastinal or hilar lymphadenopathy.
Appearances are most in keeping with multiple hepatic and pulmonary hydatid cysts.
Case Discussion
Findings proved postoperatively with cyst fluid analysis: multiple pulmonary and hepatic hydatid cysts.