The patient presented to the emergency department with chest tightness. No history of illness.
Patient Data

Multiple variable-sized pulmonary opacities seen bilaterally scattered throughout both lung fields suggesting cannonball metastases.
Asymmetrical dense enlargement of the right breast.

Both lung fields are studded with multiple enhancing soft tissue masses, variable in size and configuration.
Bilateral enlarged axillary lymph nodes, larger and massive on the right side.
Right breast shows a large enhancing soft tissue mass in the upper outer quadrant measuring about 6 x 4 cm, a smaller enhancing focal lesion in the lower outer quadrant, a 4 x 3 cm cystic lesion in the upper inner quadrant, andskin thickening.
Multiple variable-sized hepatic focal lesions suggesting hepatic metastases.
Small bony lesions (right 6th rib, left iliac bone suggesting bony metastases.
No available sagittal or coronal planes.

Right breast (suboptimal study):
upper outer non-circumscribed hyperdense focal lesion with few microcalcifications
architectural distortion
Left breast: no suspicious mass or microcalcification
Opinion: highly suspicious right breast upper outer quadrant lesion, recommended for true cut biopsy (BIRADS 4C)

Ultrasound-guided true-cut biopsy from right breast mass lesion:
under strict aseptic conditions with ultrasound guidance using lignocaine as local anesthetic, 4 cores were taken from the right breast upper outer quadrant mass lesion using 16 Gauge automatic biopsy needle
the specimen was put in special containers and sent to the lab for histopathological analysis
no immediate complications encountered
Conclusion: technically successful right breast mass biopsy as described

The pathology of the biopsied right breast mass revealed invasive ductal carcinoma, SBR grade II.
Case Discussion
Cannonball metastasis refers to multiple, well-defined, large round metastases scattered throughout both lungs resembling cannonballs. This pattern is most commonly associated with hematogenous spread of malignancy. Breast cancer is an uncommon cause of cannonball metastasis of the lungs.
This case shows multiple bilateral cannon-ball lung metastases from invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast.
Case courtesy of Dr. Ahmed Tantawi, King Faisal Medical Complex, Taif, KSA.