Gradually enlarging abdominal swelling and failure to thrive.
Patient Data

CT scout image reveals a large gasless area at the left hypochondrial and lumbar regions. CT shows a large mass arising from the left hepatic lobe which displaces the stomach and adjacent bowel. The mass shows mild enhancement with contrast with extensive areas of internal necrosis. No calcification.
Diagnosis: Hepatoblastoma epithelial type (pathology proved)
Case Discussion
Hepatoblastoma is the commonest primary malignant tumor of the liver in childhood. It is more common in males and associated with other syndromes e.g. hemihypertrophy, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and familial polyposis. Calcification presents in 50% of the tumor mostly of mixed type. Epithelial type usually lacks calcification.
Differential diagnosis includes; infantile hemangioendothelioma, mesenchymal hamartoma and neuroblastoma metastasis.