Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.

High-grade small bowel obstruction with transition point at a loop of small bowel within an umbilical hernia. Distal bowel is decompressed.
Mild mesenteric edema.
Preoperative Diagnosis: Symptomatic umbilical hernia
Postoperative Diagnosis: Same
Procedure(s): Laparoscopic converted to open small bowel resection and umbilical hernia repair. Necrotic omentum within the hernia sac was reduced.
Case Discussion
Incarcerated loop of small bowel in an umbilical hernia, resulting in high-grade small bowel obstruction. As a terminology reminder:
Incarceration: cannot reduce
Strangulated: ischemic/compromised blood flow
Case shared with me by Dr. Jeannine Ruby.