Failure to pass meconium.
Patient Data

Following the Upper GI, contrast enema was performed. Initially, 50/50 dilution of Omnipaque 300 was introduced as far as the terminal ileum. This was followed by repeat enema after an interval of about 15 minutes, this time using 50/50 Omnipaque with 10% dilution of acetylcysteine solution.
The rectum and distal sigmoid show normal appearances. Meconium was encountered at the mid proximal sigmoid and identified all the way around to the splenic flexure. The transverse colon appeared clear.
There was no evidence of microcolon. Contrast advanced into the terminal ileum did demonstrate further retained meconium. A number of large meconium plugs were evacuated from the colon with the assistance of suction via the Foley catheter. However, at the end of the procedure, the last removed plug which may have come from the distal ileum as was pale in color.
Case Discussion
Neonate with a meconium ileus and cystic fibrosis.