Shortness of breath.
Patient Data

Lobulated smooth right paratracheal mass. The trachea is in the midline.
Mild cardiomegaly. Lungs clear.

3.4 cm aneurysm arising from the origin of the right subclavian artery. This abuts but does not displace the trachea.
Moderate centrilobular emphysema.
No mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Thyroid normal in size.
Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Case Discussion
The causes of a superior mediastinal/right paratracheal masses are relatively limited, especially in reality, with thyroid enlargement and lymphadenopathy accounting for the vast majority of cases.
This is one of the more unusual causes for this chest x-ray appearance - a subclavian artery aneurysm.