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More than 200 results

Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration

Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration is a common type of acquired cerebellar ataxia characterized by chronic vermian atrophy 1. It is a sequela of chronic alcohol use or malnutrition. Terminology Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration has also been described in the literature as alcohol-related cerebe...

Arachnoid granulation

Arachnoid granulations, also known as Pacchionian granulations, are projections of the arachnoid membrane (villi) into the dural sinuses that allow CSF to pass from the subarachnoid space into the venous system. Epidemiology They increase in size and number with age and are seen in approximate...

Burkitt lymphoma Case 8

Burkitt lymphoma is an aggressive B-cell lymphoma predominantly affecting children. Epidemiology Burkitt lymphoma is the most common (40%) type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in childhood. Median age is eight years with a male predominance (M:F = 4:1) 1. It is less common in adults, accounting for 1-...

Brain herniation

Brain herniation, also referred to as acquired intracranial herniation, refers to shift of brain tissue from its normal location, into an adjacent space as a result of mass effect. It is a life-threatening condition that requires prompt diagnosis.  Pathology There are a number of different pat...

Posterior fossa ependymoma

Posterior fossa ependymomas are the most common type of ependymoma, most commonly occurring in children. They are divided on the basis of DNA-methylation profiling into two groups, A and B.  Epidemiology Posterior fossa ependymomas are encountered in all age groups but are usually encountered ...

Paget disease (bone)

Paget disease of the bone is a common, chronic metabolic bone disorder characterized by excessive abnormal bone remodeling. The classically described radiological appearances are expanded bone with a coarsened trabecular pattern. The pelvis, spine, skull, and proximal long bones are most frequen...


The sternum (plural: sterna or sternums) is the anterior midline chest wall bone plate that articulates with clavicles and ribs. It is composed of 3 parts (from superior to inferior): the manubrium, sternal body and xiphoid process. Gross anatomy The sternum comprises three bones which are fir...

Atlas of individual radiographic features in osteoarthritis

The atlas of individual radiographic features in osteoarthritis (OARSI atlas) are publications about radiographic features of osteoarthritis in different joints. They provide a grading scheme for those features illustrated by imaging examples 1,2. The original and revised version of the OARSI a...

Deep peroneal nerve entrapment

Deep peroneal nerve entrapment or compression syndrome anterior is a nerve compression syndrome of the deep peroneal nerve and might occur within the anterior tarsal tunnel beneath the inferior extensor retinaculum as anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome. Epidemiology Deep peroneal nerve entrapment...

Cuneonavicular joint

The cuneonavicular joint connects the navicular and the three cuneiform bones, playing a pivotal role in maintaining body balance and facilitating locomotion. Gross anatomy The cuneonavicular joint forms the syndesmosis between the navicular and cuneiform bones, enabling slight movements. Mov...

Weightbearing foot series (an approach)

Reporting a weightbearing foot series can be a daunting process if you are inexperienced and often results in the films being left for somebody else to report. This article attempts to demystify the whole process by providing a structured approach to their reporting. Technique The weightbearin...

Flexor hallucis brevis muscle

The flexor hallucis brevis (FHB) muscle is one of the small muscles of the foot that is involved in flexion of the first toe. The hallux sesamoid bones are embedded within its tendon.  Summary origin: plantar surface of cuboid and lateral cuneiform insertion: medial and lateral sesamoid bones...

Nunley-Vertullo classification

The Nunley-Vertullo classification is one of several classification systems used for the categorization of Lisfranc injuries. It is based on clinical, x-ray and bone scan findings and also associates the stages with management options or recommendations regarding those injuries 1-3. Usage The ...

Metatarsus adductus

Metatarsus adductus is a type of foot deformity where there is medial deviation of the first metatarsal +/- medial displacement of the metatarsals on the cuneiform. Epidemiology It is considered the most common congenital foot abnormality. Pathology It can be congenital or acquired. Associa...

Foot (dorsoplantar view)

The dorsoplantar view is part of a three view series examining the phalanges, metatarsals and tarsal bones that make up the foot.  Indications This view demonstrates the location and extent of fractures in the foot, joint space abnormalities, soft tissue effusions and is the frontal view for t...

Lower extremity fractures

There are a vast range of lower extremity fractures. Below are listed several of such fractures of the lower limb. Many have eponyms. Pelvis and femur pelvic fractures anterior inferior iliac spine avulsion injury Duverney fracture Malgaigne fracture proximal femoral fractures bisphosphon...

Cuboideonavicular joint

The cuboidenoavicular joint, an integral part of the tarsometatarsal articulations, allows for subtle rotational and gliding movements. This joint involves an articulation between the cuboid and navicular bones, forming a syndesmosis stabilized by several ligaments. Gross anatomy The cuboideno...

Musculoskeletal curriculum

The musculoskeletal curriculum is one of our curriculum articles and aims to be a collection of articles that represent the core of musculoskeletal knowledge. Definition Topics pertaining to bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, but excluding the skeletal structures of the head. Anat...

Os intermetatarseum

The os intermetatarseum is an uncommon accessory ossicle of the foot occurring in ~4% (range 1-7%) of the population.  Clinical presentation It is usually asymptomatic and an incidental finding although it can be a cause of dorsal midfoot pain.  Gross anatomy The os intermetarseum is typical...

Foot (weight-bearing lateral view)

The weight-bearing lateral foot radiograph is important in the assessment of foot alignment and the diagnosis of abnormalities that cause malalignment and foot pain. Nonweightbearing views (e.g. lateral foot) would be inadequate for the assessment of alignment as the bones of the feet are not in...

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