Quadriceps tendinopathy refers to reactive inflammatory changes of the quadriceps tendon.
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Quadriceps tendinopathy is seen more commonly in males (8:1) compared to females ref.
Clinical presentation
The patient will present with pain and tenderness at the superior pole of the patella, sometimes weakness on resisted quadriceps extension ref.
Quadriceps tendinopathy usually occurs at the insertion of the quadriceps at the proximal pole of the patella. They can occur with chronic overuse and overloading due to jumping and running activities ref.
Radiographic features
Tendinopathy associated with symptoms has a higher rate of tendon hypoechogenicities, hyperechogenicities and neo-vascularization, with the tendon appearing thicker and with a greater cross-sectional diameter ref.
Most sensitive imaging modality for diagnosis ref.
Treatment and prognosis
It is most commonly initially treated non-operatively with rest, physical therapy activity modification 2.
Some patients may be at increased risk of quadriceps tendon rupture 2.
See also
tendinosis: general article