Reporting tips for aortic aneurysms

Last revised by Arlene Campos on 10 Feb 2025

When issuing an MRI or CT report on a patient with an aortic aneurysm, whether it be thoracic or abdominal, several features should be mentioned to aid the referring clinician in managing the patient.

Radiology report

Reporting tips for aortic aneurysms include 1,2:


The infrarenal aorta demonstrates a fusiform aneurysm which measures 6 x 7 cm (AP x LR) and extends over a distance of 7.5 cm. It begins 2.3 cm distal to the renal arteries (aorta at this level measures 2.1 cm) and terminates at the aortic bifurcation without extension into the iliac arteries (right CIA = 1.2 cm, left CIA = 1.1 cm).

Smooth eccentric mural thrombus is present within the aneurysm, thickest on the right where it measures 1.5 cm.  The lumen has a diameter of 4.5 x 6 cm (AP x LR). There is no surrounding stranding or extravasation of contrast to suggest impending rupture.

The aorta and other visualized vessels demonstrate widespread atherosclerosis, suggesting that this is the underlying etiology of the AAA. Moderate (<50%) stenosis is seen at the origin of the right renal artery and celiac trunk.

The common femoral arteries bilaterally demonstrate calcific atherosclerosis but no stenosis. High-grade stenosis is however present in the right external iliac artery, potentially posing problems for endovascular access on this side.

Cases and figures

  • Case 1

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