Confusion. Prior cranial surgery.
Patient Data

There is evidence of prior surgery. Left high frontal irregular space occupying lesion is seen eliciting low T1 and high T2/FLAIR signal with areas of high T1 and low T2/FLAIR signals (indicating met-Hb) and peripheral irregular contrast enhancement. The lesion exerts mass effect and is seen surrounded by vasogenic edema. MR spectroscopy shows marked elevation of the choline with depression of the normal markers (N-acetyle aspartate and creatine) as well as small lipid / lactate doublet, with similar changes seen in the edema around the lesion.
Complete agenesis of the corpus callosum.
Case Discussion
Pathologically proven high-grade glioma; glioblastoma (WHO grade IV), and complete agenesis of the corpus callosum.
Note: IDH mutation status is not provided in this case and according to the current (2016) WHO classification of CNS tumors, this tumor would, therefore, be designated as a glioblastoma NOS.