This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists
Abdominal radiographs can be a useful examination, but you need to think about the question you are asking before getting the test. Before the advent of computerized tomography (CT) imaging, it was a primary means of investigating gastrointestinal pathology (and often allowed indirect evaluation of other abdominal viscera).
On this page:
Reference article
This is a summary article; read more in our article on abdominal radiography.
indications (acute)
- emergent evaluation of bowel gas
- negative study in some patients may obviate the need for CT
- evaluation of radiopaque lines and tubes
- evaluation of radiopaque foreign bodies
- evaluation of postprocedural free gas
- evaluation of bowel gas in postoperative ileus
- emergent evaluation of bowel gas
important pathology
- bowel obstruction
- sigmoid volvulus
- quick and accessible
- modest radiation dose
- low sensitivity and specificity for intra-abdominal pathology
- pregnancy is a relative contraindication
- patient is supine
- radiograph is performed AP (anteroposterior)
- performed in the radiology department
- mobile abdominal radiographs are poor quality
- only performed mobile if the patient is very ill
Similar tests
US abdomen
- performed for specific indications
- useful for gallstones
- useful for liver and renal pathology
- performed for specific indications
CT abdomen
- far more sensitive and specific for intra-abdominal pathology
- significantly greater radiation dose