Assessment of lungs, pleura and airways on chest x-ray (approach)

Changed by Rohit Sharma, 18 Feb 2024
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Described below is one approach to the assessment of airways, lungs and pleura on chest x-ray. Start by assessing the tracheal air column, followed by the lungs and finally the pleural spaces. 

Tracheobronchial tree

  • assess position, should be central and deviation can be due to

    • positive mass effect, e.g. mediastinal mass, pleural effusion, tenion pneumothorax

    • negative mass effect, e.g. atelectasis, volume loss



See also

Systematic chest radiograph assessment:

  1. projection

  2. assessment of the technical adequacy

  3. tubes and lines

  4. cardiomediastinal contours

  5. hila

  6. airways, lungs and pleura

  7. bones and soft tissue

  8. review areas

  • -</ul><h4><strong>See also</strong></h4><p><a href="/articles/systematic-chest-radiograph-assessment-approach" title="Systematic chest radiograph assessment (approach)">Systematic chest radiograph assessment</a>:</p><ol>
  • +</ul><h4>See also</h4><p><a href="/articles/systematic-chest-radiograph-assessment-approach" title="Systematic chest radiograph assessment (approach)">Systematic chest radiograph assessment</a>:</p><ol>

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