Urachal cyst
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Urachal cysts are one of the manifestations of the spectrum of congenital urachal remnant abnormalities.
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An infected urachal cyst can occur at any age.
Clinical presentation
Urachal cysts usually remain asymptomatic until complicated by infection or bleeding.
Urachal cysts form when both the umbilical and vesical ends of the urachal lumen close while an intervening portion remains patent and fluid-filled. The cyst can drain through the umbilicus, bladder, or through the peritoneum and into intraperitoneal organs. Rarely it can cause peritonitis and abdominal symptoms.
The most common pathogens of urachal abscess are Staphylococcus, E. coli, Pseudomonas, and Streptococcus.
Radiographic features
An uncomplicated urachal cyst appears as a collection of simple fluid localised in the midline of the anterior abdominal wall, between the umbilicus and the pubis and often contiguous with the bladder dome.
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Treatment and prognosis
Treatment of a urachal cyst may involve IV antibiotic therapy and/or surgical excision. Drainage is usually associated with a high rate of relapse. Sometimes it is advisable to drain the cyst contents before its excision.
Differential diagnosis
For an infected urachal cyst, bladder adenocarcinoma should be considered. For a non-infected urachal cyst general imaging differential considerations include
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Incoming Links
- Intravesical urachal cyst
- Umbilical granuloma
- Vesicourachal diverticulum and calculus
- Infected urachal cyst
- Infected urachal cyst with urachal-sigmoid fistula
- Urachal cyst
- Urachal cyst
- Intravesical urachal cyst
- Urachus (illustration)
- Infected urachal cyst
- Infected vesicourachal diverticulum
- Urachal cyst
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