Testicular seminoma
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At the time the case was submitted for publication Andrew Dixon had no recorded disclosures.
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Left flank pain.
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venous phase

venous phase

CT of the abdomen and pelvis demonstrates a large para-aortic mass which in places encases the aorta. It is well circumscribed and has a few small vessels passing through it. The mass results in left-sided ureteric obstruction and hydronephrosis.
An abnormality in the left hemiscrotum can be seen on the most caudal aspect of both axial and coronal reconstructions.
2 case questions available
Q: What is the differential for this retroperitoneal mass? show answer
A: Most likely represent nodal enlargement. Possibilities in thus young patient include lymphoma and testicular neoplasms.
Q: Look carefully at the inferior most aspect of the CT. Did you see an abnormality? show answer
A: A partially imaged left scrotal mass is noted.

US reveals a somewhat heterogenous low echogenicity mass within the left testicle which is enlarged (5.6 cm). The testicle demonstrates normal blood flow.
4 case questions available
Q: What is the most likely diagnosis? show answer
A: Testicular seminoma.
Q: What is the typical appearance of non-seminomatous germ cell tumours of the testis on ultrasound? show answer
A: Usually appear more heterogeneous than both normal testicular parenchyma and seminomas, often with cysts and calcification.
Q: Why are the pelvic and inguinal nodes not enlarged? show answer
A: Lymphatic drainage occurs along the course of arterial supply (general anatomic principle) and thus the first nodes affected are the para-aortic nodes at the level of the renal arteries (level of gonadal artery origin).
Q: What is the differential of a unilateral testicular mass? show answer
A: The list is long (see related article) but includes: testicular neoplasms (seminoma most common); testicular infections (including TB); involvement by systemic disease (e.g. sarcoidosis, lymphoma)...
Case Discussion
The diagnosis or testicular seminoma was confirmed histologically following orchiectomy.
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