Gestational trophoblastic disease
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At the time the article was created Frank Gaillard had no recorded disclosures.
View Frank Gaillard's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Yahya Baba had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.
View Yahya Baba's current disclosures- Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
- Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)
- Gestational trophoblastic tumours
- Gestational trophoblastic tumors
- Gestational trophoblastic tumours (GTT)
- Gestational trophoblastic tumour
Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) results from the abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic tissue and encompasses a wide spectrum of diseases, including 14:
tumour-like lesions
exaggerated placental site reaction
placental site nodule and plaque
abnormal (non-molar) villous lesions
gestational trophoblastic neoplasms
mixed trophoblastic tumour
On this page:
Women older than 40 years and younger than 20 years may be at higher risk.
Clinical presentation
The presentation is variable:
uterus larger than pregnancy age
abnormally high β-hCG
A common characteristic of all gestational trophoblastic disease is an abnormal proliferation of trophoblast, but different components predominate in different tumours.
Molar pregnancies:
partial hydatidiform mole (PHM)
69XXX or 69XXY (paternal and maternal chromosomes)
may have a fetus or fetal components
β-hCG moderately elevated
no cellular atypia
complete hydatidiform mole (CHM)
commonest (up to 80%) manifestation of GTD
46XX or 46XY: paternal chromosomes only
no fetus
β-hCG markedly elevated
atypia of cells present
treatment involves
curettage +/- hysterectomy in older women 11
follow-up urinary β-hCG for 6-12 months
may progress to
invasive mole: ≈15%
choriocarcinoma: ≈5%
invasive and metastatic hydatidiform moles
distorts uterine zonal structures
boundaries between a tumour and myometrium are irregular and indistinct 3
may also invade parametrial tissue and blood vessels 4
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasms (GTN):
placental site trophoblastic tumour (PSTT)
rare form
produces small amounts of β-hCG
raise human placental lactogen (hPL) levels
epithelioid trophoblastic tumour (ETT) 9
extremely rare form
gestational choriocarcinoma
may look identical to hydatidiform mole
arises following known molar pregnancy (50%), miscarriage (30%), normal pregnancy (20%)
can appear to have less vascularity than an invasive mole
higher β-hCG levels even than a complete mole
solid component with the visualised invasion
tends to invade myometrium through venous plexuses
patients often can present with multiple metastases without an easily identified primary, as it can often be small in an otherwise normal placenta
metastases can occur in
lungs: ~80%
vagina: ~30%
pelvis: 20%
liver and brain: ~10% 12,13
mixed trophoblastic tumour
- 1. Patricia Chudleigh, Basky Thilaganathan. Obstetric Ultrasound. (2004) ISBN: 0443054711 - Google Books
- 2. Wagner B, Woodward P, Dickey G. From the Archives of the AFIP. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. Radiographics. 1996;16(1):131-48. doi:10.1148/radiographics.16.1.131 - Pubmed
- 3. Nagayama M, Watanabe Y, Okumura A, Amoh Y, Nakashita S, Dodo Y. Fast MR Imaging in Obstetrics. Radiographics. 2002;22(3):563-80; discussion 580. doi:10.1148/radiographics.22.3.g02ma03563 - Pubmed
- 4. Jung SE, Byun JY, Lee JM et-al. MR imaging of maternal diseases in pregnancy. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2001;177 (6): 1293-300. AJR Am J Roentgenol (full text) - Pubmed citation
- 5. Green CL, Angtuaco TL, Shah HR et-al. Gestational trophoblastic disease: a spectrum of radiologic diagnosis. Radiographics. 1996;16 (6): 1371-84. Radiographics (abstract) - Pubmed citation
- 6. Allen SD, Lim AK, Seckl MJ et-al. Radiology of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Clin Radiol. 2006;61 (4): 301-13. doi:10.1016/j.crad.2005.12.003 - Pubmed citation
- 7. Seckl MJ, Sebire NJ, Berkowitz RS. Gestational trophoblastic disease. Lancet. 2010;376 (9742): 717-29. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60280-2 - Pubmed citation
- 8. Narlawar RS, Shah J, Patkar D. Images in radiology: complete hydatidiform mole with live pregnancy in a twin gestation. J Postgrad Med. 46 (4): 291-2. J Postgrad Med (link) - Pubmed citation
- 9. Shih IM, Kurman RJ. Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor: a neoplasm distinct from choriocarcinoma and placental site trophoblastic tumor simulating carcinoma. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 1998;22 (11): 1393-403. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. (link) - Pubmed citation
- 10. Preidler KW, Luschin G, Tamussino K et-al. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with gestational trophoblastic disease. Invest Radiol. 1996;31 (8): 492-6. Invest Radiol (link) - Pubmed citation
- 11. Cavaliere A, Ermito S, Dinatale A et-al. Management of molar pregnancy. J Prenat Med. 2012;3 (1): 15-7. Free text at pubmed - Pubmed citation
- 12. Piura E, Piura B. Brain metastases from gestational trophoblastic neoplasia: review of pertinent literature. European journal of gynaecological oncology. 35 (4): 359-67. Pubmed
- 13. Dhanda S, Ramani S, Thakur M. Gestational trophoblastic disease: a multimodality imaging approach with impact on diagnosis and management. Radiology research and practice. 2014: 842751. doi:10.1155/2014/842751 - Pubmed
- 14. W. H. O. Classification WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, Who Classification of Tumours Editorial. Female Genital Tumours: Who Classification of Tumours. (2020) ISBN: 9789283245049 - Google Books
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- Enhanced myometrial vascularity
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- Fetal MRI
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- Antepartum haemorrhage
- Theca lutein cyst
- Pulmonary hypertension (differential)
- Choriocarcinoma
- Hydropic degeneration of the placenta
- Hyperthyroidism
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- Gestational choriocarcinoma
- Invasive mole
- Obstetric curriculum
- Simple hydropic degeneration of the placenta
- Molar pregnancy
- Placental site trophoblastic tumour
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- Gestational trophoblastic disease - complete hydatidiform mole
- Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)
- Incomplete miscarriage with bilateral theca lutein cysts
- Uterine arteriovenous malformation
- Gestational trophoblastic disease - choriocarcinoma
- Complete hydatidiform mole
- Complete hydatidiform mole
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- Molar pregnancy
- Partial molar pregnancy
- Partial hydatidiform mole
- Complete hydatidiform mole
- Complete hydatidiform mole
- Gestational trophoblastic disease - invasive mole
- Complete hydatidiform mole
- Complete molar pregnancy and coexisting live fetus
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