Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or fetal growth restriction (FGR) is defined as an estimated fetal weight (EFW) and/or abdominal circumference (AC) at one point in time during pregnancy being below 3rd percentile or EFW and/or AC below the 10th percentile for gestational age with deranged Doppler parameters 14.
An IUGR can be broadly divided into two main types:
Some authors also enlist a third type termed: femur-sparing intrauterine growth restriction 10.
On this page:
Clinical assessment
The symphysis fundal height (SFH) can be a commonly used crude measurement.
IUGR can result from a vast number of causes:
placental insufficiency (commonest cause overall)
maternal conditions
maternal narcotics/smoking
maternal alcohol use: fetal alcohol syndrome
maternal diabetes: when severe maternal diabetes, there can be a paradoxical IUGR as opposed to fetal macrosomia
maternal malnutrition/starvation
maternal vascular conditions
certain medications
other placental causes
increased incidence with a single umbilical artery
fetal conditions
triploidy (IUGR is of early-onset)
Down syndrome (not a dominant feature)
chromosome 4p deletion syndrome (Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome)
other syndromic anomalies
in utero substance exposure
Radiographic features
Sonographic parameters include:
non-Doppler features
reduced abdominal circumference (AC) and/or EFW
AC and/or EFW <3rd percentile
AC and/or EFW <10th percentile with deranged Doppler parameters
presence of oligohydramnios without ruptured membranes
increased head circumference (HC) to abdominal circumference (AC) ratio (in asymmetrical type)
advanced placental grade
Doppler features (will require a chart to calculate absolute values)
umbilical artery Doppler assessment
increased PI above 95th percentile
absent/reversed diastolic flow
umbilical venous Doppler assessment
presence of pulsatility
uterine arterial Doppler assessment
increased mean uterine artery PI above 95th percentile
presence of notching in mid to late pregnancy
CP ratio
reduced below 5th percentile
Treatment and prognosis
While there is no cure, management is reliant on a structured antenatal surveillance program with timely intervention in order to minimize fetal compromise.
There are many including:
iatrogenic prematurity
perinatal stroke
abnormal fetal status (fetal heart rate tracing)
emergency Cesarean section
need for active neonatal resuscitation
perinatal stroke
hepatocellular dysfunction
intraventricular hemorrhage, especially in premature IUGR neonates <750 g
increased risk of:
short stature
cerebral palsy
developmental delay
behavioral and emotional problems
lower IQ scores
chronic lung disease
future cardiovascular disease and hypertension
Differential diagnosis
General considerations include:
incorrect dates