Testicular microlithiasis
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At the time the article was created Jeremy Jones had no recorded disclosures.
View Jeremy Jones's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Ammar Ashraf had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.
View Ammar Ashraf's current disclosures- Microlithiasis of the testes
- Microlithiasis of the testis
Testicular microlithiasis is a relatively uncommon condition that represents the deposition of multiple tiny calcifications throughout both testes.
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The most common criterion for diagnosis on ultrasound is that of at least five microcalcifications in one testis although the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) recommends a criterion of at least five microcalcifications in a single field of view 12.
Testicular microlithiasis is seen in up to 0.6% of patients undergoing scrotal ultrasound. Some reports suggest that it may be present in up to 5.6% of the general population between 17 and 35 years of age 3. Although testicular microlithiasis is present in ~50% of men with a germ cell tumour, it is very common in patients without cancer, and a direct relationship between the two has been debated.
infertility 14
Clinical presentation
Testicular microlithiasis per se is asymptomatic and is usually found incidentally when the scrotal content is examined with ultrasound, or found in association with symptomatic conditions.
In the majority of cases, testicular microlithiasis is bilateral ref. The microcalcifications are likely a marker of tubular degeneration, but not a risk factor for tubular degeneration 10.
The ESUR has classified testicular microlithiasis into three groups based on ultrasound findings 12,17:
limited testicular microlithiasis: <5 microcalcifications per field of view
classic testicular microlithiasis: ≥5 microcalcifications per field of view
diffuse testicular microlithiasis: numerous microcalcifications in a "snowstorm" appearance
It is unclear if a grading system adds prognostic value, however, relative to follow up based on known risk factors.
Radiographic features
Ultrasound is the modality of choice for examining the testes. Microlithiasis appears as small non-shadowing hyperechoic foci ranging in diameter from 2-3 mm 17. These foci, often uniformly sized, occur within the testicular parenchyma and although usually distributed uniformly, may be clustered or distributed peripherally or segmentally 2,12.
Treatment and prognosis
Testicular microlithiasis is in itself asymptomatic and benign. A relationship with testicular tumours, in particular germ cell tumours (GCTs) is controversial. An ~12 fold increased risk of GCT in symptomatic testes with microlithiasis has been reported (with microlithiasis found in approximately 50% of GCT cases), however, no increased risk has been found in asymptomatic testes. It is also unclear whether early detection confers any benefit over self-exam. As such, screening is unlikely to be beneficial 1,14.
Some publications advise routine self-examination, rather than sonographic surveillance 5 while others recommend annual ultrasound follow up when it is accompanied by other premalignant factors 6. The European Association of Urology (EAU) suggests considering testicular biopsy if the patient is higher risk (e.g. testicular dysgenesis, contralateral GCT, etc.) to evaluate for germ cell neoplasia in situ 16.
The ESUR advises annual ultrasound follow-up until age 55, only if a risk factor for malignancy is present 12:
testicular atrophy (e.g. volume under 12 cc)
previous germ cell tumour 14
family history of germ cell tumour
Men with isolated testicular microlithiasis should be encouraged to perform a monthly testicular self-examination 17.
Quiz questions
- 1. Tan I, Ang K, Ching B, Mohan C, Toh C, Tan M. Testicular Microlithiasis Predicts Concurrent Testicular Germ Cell Tumors and Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia of Unclassified Type in Adults: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Cancer. 2010;116(19):4520-32. doi:10.1002/cncr.25231 - Pubmed
- 2. Cast J, Nelson W, Early A et al. Testicular Microlithiasis: Prevalence and Tumor Risk in a Population Referred for Scrotal Sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2000;175(6):1703-6. doi:10.2214/ajr.175.6.1751703 - Pubmed
- 3. Costabile R. How Worrisome is Testicular Microlithiasis? Curr Opin Urol. 2007;17(6):419-23. doi:10.1097/MOU.0b013e3282f0ffea - Pubmed
- 4. Shanmugasundaram R, Singh J, Kekre N. Testicular Microlithiasis: Is There an Agreed Protocol? Indian J Urol. 2007;23(3):234-9. doi:10.4103/0970-1591.33442 - Pubmed
- 5. DeCastro B, Peterson A, Costabile R. A 5-Year Followup Study of Asymptomatic Men with Testicular Microlithiasis. J Urol. 2008;179(4):1420-3; discussion 1423. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2007.11.080 - Pubmed
- 6. Dagash H & Mackinnon E. Testicular Microlithiasis: What Does It Mean Clinically? BJU Int. 2007;99(1):157-60. doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06546.x - Pubmed
- 7. Otite U, Webb J, Oliver R, Badenoch D, Nargund V. Testicular Microlithiasis: Is It a Benign Condition with Malignant Potential? Eur Urol. 2001;40(5):538-42. doi:10.1159/000049832 - Pubmed
- 8. Dell'Acqua A, Tomà P, Oddone M, Ciccone M, Marsili E, Derchi L. Testicular Microlithiasis: US Findings in Six Pediatric Cases and Literature Review. Eur Radiol. 1999;9(5):940-4. doi:10.1007/s003300050772 - Pubmed
- 9. Miller F & Sidhu P. Does Testicular Microlithiasis Matter? A Review. Clin Radiol. 2002;57(10):883-90. doi:10.1053/crad.2002.1005 - Pubmed
- 10. Winter T, Kim B, Lowrance W, Middleton W. Testicular Microlithiasis: What Should You Recommend? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2016;206(6):1164-9. doi:10.2214/AJR.15.15226 - Pubmed
- 11. de Gouveia Brazao C, Pierik F, Oosterhuis J, Dohle G, Looijenga L, Weber R. Bilateral Testicular Microlithiasis Predicts the Presence of the Precursor of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors in Subfertile Men. J Urol. 2004;171(1):158-60. doi:10.1097/01.ju.0000093440.47816.88 - Pubmed
- 12. Richenberg J, Belfield J, Ramchandani P et al. Testicular Microlithiasis Imaging and Follow-Up: Guidelines of the ESUR Scrotal Imaging Subcommittee. Eur Radiol. 2015;25(2):323-30. doi:10.1007/s00330-014-3437-x - Pubmed
- 13. Winter T, Kim B, Lowrance W, Middleton W. Testicular Microlithiasis: What Should You Recommend? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2016;206(6):1164-9. doi:10.2214/AJR.15.15226 - Pubmed
- 14. Trout A, Chow J, McNamara E et al. Association Between Testicular Microlithiasis and Testicular Neoplasia: Large Multicenter Study in a Pediatric Population. Radiology. 2017;285(2):576-83. doi:10.1148/radiol.2017162625 - Pubmed
- 15. Balawender K, Orkisz S, Wisz P. Testicular Microlithiasis: What Urologists Should Know. A Review of the Current Literature. Cent European J Urol. 2018;71(3):310-4. doi:10.5173/ceju.2018.1728 - Pubmed
- 16. Dinkelman-Smit M. Management of Testicular Microlithiasis. Eur Urol Focus. 2021;7(5):940-2. doi:10.1016/j.euf.2021.09.020 - Pubmed
- 17. Katabathina V, Vargas-Zapata D, Monge R et al. Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Classification, Pathologic Features, Imaging Findings, and Management. Radiographics. 2021;41(6):1698-716. doi:10.1148/rg.2021210024 - Pubmed
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- Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
- Non-seminomatous germ cell tumours
- Testicular seminoma
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- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Primary mediastinal yolk sac tumour
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Epididymo-orchitis with background microlithiasis
- Testicular microlithiasis
- Testicular seminoma
- Metastatic testicular teratoma
- Testicular carcinoma
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- aneuploidy testing
second trimester
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- testes
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- testicular teratoma
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- testicular lymphoma
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- cryptorchidism
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- cystadenoma of the rete testis
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- fibrous pseudotumour of the scrotum
- scrotal leiomyosarcoma
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- double barrel sign
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- panzerherz
- pistol grip deformity
- saber-sheath trachea
- scimitar syndrome
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- white pyramid sign
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vegetable and plant inspired
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- bamboo spine
- blade of grass sign
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- ivy sign
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- popcorn calcification (pulmonary hamartomas)
- popcorn calcification (uterine fibroid)
- potato nodes
- rice signs (disambiguation)
- salt and pepper sign (disambiguation)
- tombstone iliac wings
- tree-in-bud
- tulip sign
- water lily sign
fruit inspired
- apple core sign (disambiguation)
- apple-peel intestinal atresia
- banana and egg sign
- banana fracture
- banana sign
- berry aneurysm
- bowl of grapes sign
bunch of grapes sign (disambiguation)
- bunch of grapes sign (hydatidiform mole)
- bunch of grapes sign (bronchiectasis)
- bunch of grapes sign (IPMN)
- bunch of grapes sign (botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma)
- bunch of grapes sign (intracranial tuberculoma)
- bunch of grapes sign (intraosseous haemangiomas)
- bunch of grapes sign (multicystic dysplastic kidney)
- cashew nut sign
- lemon sign
- pear-shaped bladder
- strawberry gallbladder
- strawberry skull
- watermelon skin sign
animal and animal produce inspired
- human
- mammals
- anteater nose sign
- antler sign
- batwing opacities
- bear paw sign
- beaver tail liver
- Brahma bull sign
- buffalo chest
- bull's eye sign (disambiguation)
- bunny waveform sign
- claw sign
- dog ear sign
- dog leg sign
- dromedary hump
- ears of the lynx sign
- eye of tiger sign
- feline oesophagus
- giraffe pattern
- hidebound sign
- ivory phalanx
- ivory vertebra sign
- joint mouse
- leaping dolphin sign
- leopard skin sign
- moose head appearance
- panda sign
- piglet sign
- pleural mouse
- raccoon eyes sign
- rat bite erosions
- rat-tail sign
- Scottie dog sign
- Snoopy sign
- stag's antler sign
- staghorn calculus
- tiger stripe sign
zebra sign (disambiguation)
- zebra sign: (cerebellar haemorrhage)
- zebra spleen: arterial phase (spleen)
- zebra stripe sign (osteogenesis imperfecta)
- amphibians
- birds
- bird beak sign (disambiguation)
- bird's nest sign (lung)
- crow feet sign
- egg on a string sign
- eggshell calcification (breast)
- eggshell calcification (lymph nodes)
- gooseneck sign (endocardial cushion defect)
- gull wing appearance
- hummingbird sign
- owl eyes sign
- pooping duck sign
- sitting duck appearance
- swallowtail sign
- swan neck deformity
- winking owl sign
- fish and marine life
- reptiles
- arthropods
- micro-organisms
- fictional creatures
food inspired
- Cheerio sign (disambiguation)
- chocolate cyst
- cottage loaf sign
- double Oreo cookie (glenoid labrum)
- doughnut sign (disambiguation)
- hamburger sign (spine)
- head cheese sign (lungs)
- honeycombing (lungs)
- hot cross bun sign (pons)
- ice cream cone sign (middle ear ossicles)
- ice cream cone sign (vestibular schwannoma)
- licked candy stick appearance (bones)
- linguine sign (breast implants)
- macaroni sign
- omental cake
- Oreo cookie (heart)
- pancake organ (disambiguation)
- Polo mint sign
- salad oil sign (breast implants)
- sandwich sign (disambiguation)
- sandwich vertebra
- sausage digit
- spaghetti sign
- Swiss cheese sign
alphabet inspired
- A line (US artifact)
- C sign (MSK)
- delta sign (disambiguation)
- E sign
- H-shaped vertebra
- H sign
- J-shaped sella
- J sign (shoulder)
- L sign (brain)
- lambda sign (disambiguation)
- M sign
- omega epiglottis
- O sign (gastric banding)
- P sign (epiglottis)
- S sign of Golden
- tau sign
- T sign (disambiguation)
- U fibres
- U-figure (pelvis)
- U sign (brain)
- V sign (disambiguation)
- W hernia
- X-marks-the-spot sign
- Y sign (epidural lipomatosis)
- Z deformity
Christmas inspired
- Christmas tree bladder in neurogenic bladder
- holly leaf sign in calcified pleural plaques
- ivy sign in leptomeningeal enhancement
- nutcracker oesophagus in oesophageal dysmotility
- shepherd's crook deformity of the femur in fibrous dysplasia
- snowcap sign in avascular necrosis
- snowman sign (disambiguation)
- snowstorm appearance in complete hydatidiform mole and testicular microlithiasis
- miscellaneous