Telangiectatic osteosarcomas (TOS/TAEOS) are an uncommon variant of osteosarcoma 1-3.
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Telangiectatic osteosarcomas make up for 2-12% of high-grade osteosarcomas with varying frequencies between studies 1-6. They have similar demographics to that of conventional osteosarcoma and typically occur in adolescents and young adults 4,5 (reported age range of 3-67 years ref with a median age of 15- 20 years 5). There is a recognized male preference 4,5.
Telangiectatic osteosarcoma is considered a subtype of conventional osteosarcoma. Similarly, the diagnostic criteria are based on a combination of typical radiographic and pathological features.
Diagnostic criteria
Diagnostic criteria according to the WHO classification of soft tissue and bone tumors (5th edition) 4:
imaging features of a bone tumor
osteoid matrix with neoplastic bone formation
permeative and destructive growth pattern
and in addition, the following criterion is required:
empty or blood-filled cystic spaces separated by septa
As with conventional osteosarcoma, the following histological criteria are desirable 4:
high-grade atypia of tumor cells
frequent atypical mitotic figures
Diagnostic clues
Clinical and imaging-related characteristics indicating the diagnosis without the pathological information:
in adolescents (10-20 years)
bone tumor with osteoid matrix, cystic spaces with fluid-fluid levels, enhancing septae, permeative features and cortical destruction
location in a metaphyseal-diaphyseal region with epiphyseal extension
Telangiectatic osteosarcomas are a subtype of osteosarcoma characterized by empty or blood-filled cystic spaces separated by septa 1-6. A small telangiectatic component is present in most osteosarcomas, but to classify as telangiectatic osteosarcoma, the telangiectatic component should comprise >90% 7.
The most common sites are the metaphyses of long bones possibly with extension into the epiphysis or diaphysis especially around the knee (~60) 4-6:
distal femur: ~40-45%
proximal tibia: ~15-20%
proximal humerus: ~8-10%
proximal femur: ~7-8%
The femoral, humeral and tibial diaphyseal regions as well as the pelvic bones are less common with frequencies ranging from ~5-7% for the mid-femur to ~3% in the pelvis 5.
Rare locations are the fibula, skull and ribs with a frequency <2% each 5,8.
Macroscopic appearance
Grossly, telangiectatic osteosarcomas are characterized by the following features 1-5:
cystic, blood-filled spaces
multiple thin fibrous septa with sponge-like or honeycomb appearance
fish-flesh appearance of solid tumor portions
tumor size is 5-13 cm on average 3
Microscopic appearance
Microscopically, telangiectatic osteosarcomas display a similar picture to an aneurysmal bone cyst with the following histological features 1-5:
hemorrhage and necrotic debris
blood pools without endothelial lining
septa of variable thickness
atypical stromal cells among osteoclast-like giant cells
atypical mitoses with moderate to high mitotic rate
nuclear hyperchromasia and pleomorphism
focal osteoid formation and sometimes lacelike osteoid matrix (maybe absent in biopsy sample) 4,5
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
Typically seen as an expansile lytic bone lesion at the metaphysis:
geographic bony destruction with a wide zone of transition tends to be more common than permeative bony destruction 9
less osteoid matrix than the conventional type
pathological fractures are frequent
low attenuating fluid-fluid levels within the lesion (in ~80% of cases)
useful at assessing associated cortical destruction
thick peripheral and nodular septal enhancement
osteoid matrix mineralization
commonly shows fluid-fluid levels within the lesion (~90% of cases) with variable signal intensity
allows appreciation of surrounding soft tissue components
signal characteristics are often heterogeneous
enhancement of septa with nodularity as well as the soft tissue component may be observed 10
hemorrhage appears as hyperintense on T1 and variable signal intensity on T2
Nuclear medicine
Overall, lesions tend to show marked but heterogeneous uptake on bone scans. May demonstrate a region of central photopenia representing a doughnut sign 9,10.
Radiology report
The radiological report should include a description of the following 4:
form and location
blood-filled or empty cystic spaces, fluid-fluid levels
thickened fibrous septa, nodular/solid components
tumor margins and transition zone
cortical striations indicating prominent intraosseous veins
cortical destruction
soft tissue extension
Treatment and prognosis
The treatment of telangiectatic osteosarcoma is often similar to that of conventional osteosarcoma: chemotherapy followed by wide surgical resection and limb salvage or amputation.
The survival rate of telangiectatic osteosarcoma (estimated at ~70%) is similar to that of conventional osteosarcoma.
They are associated with a high rate of pathological fractures 6,11 and fracture risk is higher than conventional osteosarcoma 6.
History and etymology
Telangiectatic osteosarcoma was first described by the English surgeon Sir James Paget (1814-1899) in 1854 as a ‘medullary cancer of bone with excessive vessels and blood cysts’ 13. Later in 1903, the entity has been called ‘malignant bone aneurism’ by the American surgeon Gaylord 14 before the American pathologist James Ewing designated it as an osteosarcoma variant in 1922 and 1939 15.
Differential diagnosis
Considerations on plain film include 5:
aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC): should not have any soft tissue component outside the lesion and will have a narrower transitional zone. Smooth septal and rim enhancement is seen without nodularity, osteoid matrix mineralization or aggressive features like cortical destruction and infiltration into surrounding tissue (unlike telangiectatic osteosarcoma) 11
giant cell tumor of bone: no soft tissue component
osteolytic metastatic bone lesions: should not have any fluid levels