Artificial Intelligence (AI) TI-RADS

Changed by Henry Knipe, 27 May 2019

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AI TI-RADS is a data driven-driven analysis and revision of the 2017 ACR TI-RADS 1. Published in May 2019 2, this had the intention of simplyfingsimplifying categorisation and improving specificity while maintaining high sensitivity. This system used a training set of 1325 nodules with known cytology and a genetic learning algorithm to optimise the current lexicon and scoring structure. This system was then applied by expert and nonexpert radiologists and compared with known ACR TI-RADS categories.

Changes to ACR TI-RADS

The five imaging characteristic categories were maintained with the following changes in each:

  • composition - only solid nodules receive points
    • cystic and spongiform nodules again receive 0 points, but AI TI-RADS found this sufficient to assign benignity regardless of findings in any of the other categories
    • mixed cystic / solid nodules received 0 points instead of 1 point
    • solid or near completely solid nodules received 3 points instead of 2 points
    • can't classify 0 points instead of 2 points
  • echogenicity - only hypoechoic nodules receive points
    • iso / hyperechoic/hyperechoic and can'tcannot classify nodules 0 points instead of 1 point
  • shape
    • taller-than-wide nodules only 1 point instead of 3 points
  • margin
    • no change
  • echogenic foci
    • macrocalcification receive 0 points instead of 1 point

This has streamlined the imaging criteria, with points being awarded for solid, hypoechoic, taller-than-wide, irregular margined nodules with microcalcifications and no other significant findings.

The point level for each TR category and recommendation for FNA by size remained the same.

Outcome comparison with ACR TI-RADS

Tested against 100 nodules, sensitivity was identical between AI and ACR TI-RADS (93%). Specificity was increased for AI TI-RADS at 65% compared with 47% with a single expert reader, and also an increase of 55% from 47% in a nonexpertnon-expert reader group.

43 nodules were down categorised, with 15 nodules not meeting requirement for FNA (all of which were benign). No extra malignancies were missed using the AI TI-RADS scoring algorithm.

See also

  • -<p><strong>AI TI-RADS</strong> is a data driven analysis and revision of the 2017 ACR TI-RADS <sup>1</sup>. Published in May 2019 <sup>2</sup>, this had the intention of simplyfing categorisation and improving specificity while maintaining high sensitivity. This system used a training set of 1325 nodules with known cytology and a genetic learning algorithm to optimise the current lexicon and scoring structure. This system was then applied by expert and nonexpert radiologists and compared with known ACR TI-RADS categories.</p><h4>Changes to ACR TI-RADS</h4><p>The five imaging characteristic categories were maintained with the following changes in each:</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>AI TI-RADS</strong> is a data-driven analysis and revision of the 2017 <a title="ACR Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (ACR TI-RADS)" href="/articles/acr-thyroid-imaging-reporting-and-data-system-acr-ti-rads">ACR TI-RADS</a> <sup>1</sup>. Published in May 2019 <sup>2</sup>, this had the intention of simplifying categorisation and improving specificity while maintaining high sensitivity. This system used a training set of 1325 nodules with known cytology and a genetic learning algorithm to optimise the current lexicon and scoring structure. This system was then applied by expert and nonexpert radiologists and compared with known ACR TI-RADS categories.</p><h4>Changes to ACR TI-RADS</h4><p>The five imaging characteristic categories were maintained with the following changes in each:</p><ul>
  • -<strong>echogenicity - only hypoechoic nodules receive points</strong><ul><li>iso / hyperechoic and can't classify nodules 0 points instead of 1 point</li></ul>
  • +<strong>echogenicity - only hypoechoic nodules receive points</strong><ul><li>iso/hyperechoic and cannot classify nodules 0 points instead of 1 point</li></ul>
  • -</ul><p>This has streamlined the imaging criteria, with points being awarded for solid, hypoechoic, taller-than-wide, irregular margined nodules with microcalcifications and no other significant findings.</p><p>The point level for each TR category and recommendation for FNA by size remained the same.</p><h4>Outcome comparison with ACR TI-RADS</h4><p>Tested against 100 nodules, sensitivity was identical between AI and ACR TI-RADS (93%). Specificity was increased for AI TI-RADS at 65% compared with 47% with a single expert reader, and also an increase of 55% from 47% in a nonexpert reader group.</p><p>43 nodules were down categorised, with 15 nodules not meeting requirement for FNA (all of which were benign). No extra malignancies were missed using the AI TI-RADS scoring algorithm.</p><h4>See also</h4><ul><li><a href="/articles/acr-thyroid-imaging-reporting-and-data-system-acr-ti-rads">ACR TI-RADS</a></li></ul>
  • +</ul><p>This has streamlined the imaging criteria, with points being awarded for solid, hypoechoic, taller-than-wide, irregular margined nodules with microcalcifications and no other significant findings.</p><p>The point level for each TR category and recommendation for FNA by size remained the same.</p><h4>Outcome comparison with ACR TI-RADS</h4><p>Tested against 100 nodules, sensitivity was identical between AI and ACR TI-RADS (93%). Specificity was increased for AI TI-RADS at 65% compared with 47% with a single expert reader, and also an increase of 55% from 47% in a non-expert reader group.</p><p>43 nodules were down categorised, with 15 nodules not meeting requirement for FNA (all of which were benign). No extra malignancies were missed using the AI TI-RADS scoring algorithm.</p><h4>See also</h4><ul><li><a href="/articles/acr-thyroid-imaging-reporting-and-data-system-acr-ti-rads">ACR TI-RADS</a></li></ul>

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