Cerebellopontine angle cistern

Changed by Henry Knipe, 17 Dec 2019

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The cerebellopontine angle cistern, also known as the pontocerebellar cistern, is a triangular CSF-filled subarachnoid cistern that lies between the anterior surface of the cerebellum and the lateral surface of the pons.

Gross anatomy

  • CN V lies superior to this space
  • CN IX, CN X, and CN XI lie inferior
  • the middle cerebellar peduncle is inferior

Related pathology

  • -<![endif]--><!--StartFragment-->The <strong>cerebellopontine angle cistern</strong>, also known as the <strong>pontocerebellar cistern</strong>, is a triangular <a href="/articles/cerebrospinal-fluid-1">CSF</a>-filled <a title="Subarachnoid cisterns" href="/articles/subarachnoid-cisterns">subarachnoid cistern</a> that lies between the anterior surface of the <a href="/articles/cerebellum">cerebellum</a> and the lateral surface of the <a href="/articles/pons">pons</a>.</p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><h5>Boundaries</h5><ul>
  • +<![endif]--><!--StartFragment-->The <strong>cerebellopontine angle cistern</strong>, also known as the <strong>pontocerebellar cistern</strong>, is a triangular <a href="/articles/cerebrospinal-fluid-1">CSF</a>-filled <a href="/articles/subarachnoid-cisterns">subarachnoid cistern</a> that lies between the anterior surface of the <a href="/articles/cerebellum">cerebellum</a> and the lateral surface of the <a href="/articles/pons">pons</a>.</p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><h5>Boundaries</h5><ul>
  • -<a href="/articles/acoustic-neuroma-1">acoustic schwannomas</a> (nearly 80% of all CP angle tumours)</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/vestibular-schwannoma">vestibular schwannomas</a> (nearly 80% of all CP angle tumours)</li>

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