Convex array

Changed by Bahman Rasuli, 18 Dec 2020

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Convex (sequential) arrays, also known as curvilinear or curved linear arrays, are similar to linear arrays but with piezoelectric elements arranged along with a curved transducer head. Ultrasound beams are emitted at 90 degrees to the transducer head. This arrangement results in a trapezoidal field of view due to the divergence of the ultrasound beam with increasing depth. This allows for a wider field of view but with decreased line density at depth and reduced lateral resolution

  • -<p><strong>Convex </strong>(<strong>sequential</strong>)<strong> arrays</strong>, also known as <strong>curvilinear </strong>or <strong>curved linear arrays</strong>, are similar to <a href="/articles/linear-array">linear arrays</a> but with piezoelectric elements arranged along a curved transducer head. Ultrasound beams are emitted at 90 degrees to the transducer head. This arrangement results in a trapezoidal field of view due to the divergence of the ultrasound beam with increasing depth. This allows for a wider field of view but with decreased line density at depth and reduced <a href="/articles/lateral-resolution">lateral resolution</a>. </p>
  • +<p><strong>Convex </strong>(<strong>sequential</strong>)<strong> arrays</strong>, also known as <strong>curvilinear </strong>or <strong>curved linear arrays</strong>, are similar to <a href="/articles/linear-array">linear arrays</a> but with piezoelectric elements arranged along with a curved transducer head. Ultrasound beams are emitted at 90 degrees to the transducer head. This arrangement results in a trapezoidal field of view due to the divergence of the ultrasound beam with increasing depth. This allows for a wider field of view but with decreased line density at depth and reduced <a href="/articles/lateral-resolution">lateral resolution</a>. </p>

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