Corrugator supercilii muscle

Changed by Andrew Murphy, 4 Dec 2016

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The corrugator supercilii are two small, triangular muscles that allow facial expression through movement of the eyebrows, including frowning. They originate from the medial end of the supraorbital margins and insert deep to and can cause traction on the skin over the middle of the supraorbital margins. (1)1.

  • -<p>The corrugator supercilii are two small, triangular muscles that allow facial expression through movement of the eyebrows, including frowning. They originate from the medial end of the <a href="/articles/supraorbital-ridge">supraorbital margins</a> and insert deep to and can cause traction on the skin over the middle of the <a href="/articles/supraorbital-ridge">supraorbital margins.</a> (1)</p>
  • +<p>The corrugator supercilii are two small, triangular muscles that allow facial expression through movement of the eyebrows, including frowning. They originate from the medial end of the <a href="/articles/supraorbital-ridge">supraorbital margins</a> and insert deep to and can cause traction on the skin over the middle of the <a href="/articles/supraorbital-ridge">supraorbital margins</a> <sup>1</sup>.</p>

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