CT Colonography Reporting and Data System (C-RADS) is a method for standardising CT colonography (CTC) reporting. The current revision is 2023 5.
On this page:
A polyp is defined as a homogenous soft tissue attenuation lesion projecting into the colonic lumen with a fixed point of attachment to the wall. Polyps at CTC are typically ≥6 mm or larger 5.
A mass is defined as a lesion measuring ≥30 mm and should not be described as a polyp 5.
Recommended descriptors of a colonic lesion at CTC include 5:
soft tissue
fat (lipoma, fibrolipoma, inverted diverticulum)
sessile (broad-based)
pedunculated (polyp with separate stalk)
flat or laterally spreading tumours
mass (≥30 mm)
size (single largest dimension)
large (≥10 mm)
small (6-9 mm)
diminutive (≤5 mm)
not typically reported
much more likely to represent adherent stool, hyperplastic polyp (no malignant potential) or tubular adenomas
location - six standard colonic segments:
Abnormalities are classified into colonic (C) and extra-colonic (E).
Colonic classification
C0: inadequate study and/or awaiting prior comparisons
inadequate preparation: fluid or faeces obscures exclusion of lesions ≥10 mm
inadequate insufflation: one or more colonic segments collapsed on both views
C1: normal colon/benign lesion
continue routine screening
no abnormality
no polyp ≥6 mm
lipoma, inverted diverticulum or other non-neoplastic findings
C2a: indeterminate polyp or indeterminate finding
repeat CTC in 3 years or colonoscopy
6-9 mm polyp
<3 in number
C2b: likely benign diverticular finding
likely benign: repeat CTC in 5 years, or;
uncertain benign: repeat CTC in 3 years
mass-like area such as diverticular mycosis coli, muscular hypertrophy or stricture
C3: possibly advanced adenoma
follow up colonoscopy
polyp ≥10 mm
≥3 polyps 6-9 mm size
C4: likely malignant colonic mass
colonoscopy, surgical and/or oncology referral
polypoid or malignant-appearing mass ≥30 mm
lesion compromises bowel lumen or extra colonic invasion
Extra-colonic classification
The purpose of CTC is to identify pre-malignant or malignant colonic lesions. The extra-colonic classification aims to simplify communication of incidental findings external to the colon. Since the original 2005 version, the updated 2023 version has reduced the number of categories from 5 to 4, combining E1 and E2, with reporting of E0 now optional 5.
E0: examination inadequate for assessment
reporting of this category is optional
E1/E2: no clinically important, or stable previously known extra-colonic findings, not requiring further work-up
E3: likely clinically unimportant finding; further work-up may be warranted
E4: likely clinically important finding; further work-up needed
Treatment and prognosis
Suggested management 5:
diminutive polyps (≤5 mm)
risk of advanced adenoma is 1.7%
CTC guidelines do not mandate reporting of this size as non-reporting has been found to be cost-effective and safe
small polyps (6-9 mm)
risk of advanced adenoma is 6.6%
polypectomy is suggested for patients who are candidates for colonoscopy
in patients with 1-2 small polyps, follow-up at 3 years is also an option depending on age and comorbidities
large polyps (≥10 mm)
risk of advanced adenoma is 30.6% with increased rates of high-grade dysplasia (5-10%) and carcinoma (1-3%)
referral for colonoscopy and polypectomy is recommended
masses (≥30 mm)
sensitivity and specificity of CTC for detection of colonic masses approaches 100%
referral for colonoscopy or directly to surgery or oncology is recommended
screening interval
5-year screening interval is recommended by the American Cancer Society and the United States Preventative Task Force
5-year screening interval is shown to be comparable to colonoscopy
Practical points
evaluation using both 2D and 3D reconstructions are recommended to improve polyp detection 5
2D imaging includes traditional multiplanar reconstructions
3D reconstructions could include endoluminal perspective, anatomic dissection views, perspective filet or unfolded cube
External links
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