Depressor supercilii muscle

Changed by Reabal Najjar, 15 Nov 2022
Disclosures - updated 22 Oct 2022: Nothing to disclose

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References changed:

  • 1. Frank H. Netter. Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic Regional Approach. (2022) ISBN: 9780323680424 - <a href="">Google Books</a>
  • 2. Cook B, Lucarelli M, Lemke B. Depressor Supercilii Muscle. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2001;17(6):404-11. <a href="">doi:10.1097/00002341-200111000-00004</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>

Tags changed:

  • facial muscles
  • orbicularis oculi

Sections changed:

  • Anatomy

Systems changed:

  • Musculoskeletal
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