Depressor supercilii muscle

Changed by Andrew Murphy, 19 Nov 2022
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The depressor supercilii is a facial muscle located in the eye region between both eyebrows and orbits.


The nature of this muscle is in some dispute as some anatomical specialists consider it to be part of the orbicularis oculi muscle, while others maintain that it is a distinct muscle.


  • origin: medial part of orbital rim, fascia covering lower part of nasal bone

  • insertion: skin below eyebrow and intercanthal region, medial side of orbit

  • blood supply: branches of the facial artery

  • innervation: temporal branch of facial nerve (CN VII)

  • action: depresses eyebrow

Gross anatomy


Thedepressor supercilii muscle originates from the lateral aspect of the nasal bridge - medial part of the orbital rim and fascia covering the lower part of the nasal bone.


The depressor supercilii inserts on the medial side of the bony orbit in the skin below the eyebrow and intercanthal region.

Arterial supply

The depressor supercilii is primarily supplied by the branches of the facial artery.


The depressor supercilii muscle is innervated by the temporal branch of the facial nerve (CN VII).


The main action provided by the depressor supercilii muscleis the depression of the eyebrow. 

  • -<p>The <strong>depressor supercilii</strong> is a <a href="/articles/facial-muscles" title="Facial muscles">facial muscle</a> located in the eye region between both <a href="">eyebrows</a> and <a href="">orbits</a>. </p><h4><strong>Terminology</strong></h4><p>The nature of this muscle is in some dispute as some anatomical specialists consider it to be part of the <a href="/articles/orbicularis-oculi-muscle-1" title="Orbicularis oculi muscle">orbicularis oculi muscle</a>, while others maintain that it is a distinct muscle.</p><h4><strong>Summary</strong></h4><ul>
  • +<p>The <strong>depressor supercilii</strong> is a <a href="/articles/facial-muscles" title="Facial muscles">facial muscle</a> located in the eye region between both <a href="">eyebrows</a> and <a href="">orbits</a>.</p><h4>Terminology</h4><p>The nature of this muscle is in some dispute as some anatomical specialists consider it to be part of the <a href="/articles/orbicularis-oculi-muscle-1" title="Orbicularis oculi muscle">orbicularis oculi muscle</a>, while others maintain that it is a distinct muscle.</p><h4>Summary</h4><ul>
  • -</ul><h4><strong>Gross anatomy</strong></h4><h5><strong>Origin</strong></h5><p>The<strong> </strong>depressor supercilii muscle originates from the lateral aspect of the <a href="/articles/nasion" title="Nasal bridge">nasal bridge</a> - medial part of the orbital rim and fascia covering the lower part of the <a href="/articles/nasal-bone" title="Nasal bone">nasal bone</a>.</p><h5><strong>Insertion</strong></h5><p>The depressor supercilii inserts on the medial side of the bony orbit in the skin below the eyebrow and intercanthal region.</p><h4><strong>Arterial supply</strong></h4><p>The depressor supercilii is primarily supplied by the branches of the <a href="/articles/facial-artery" title="Facial artery">facial artery</a>.</p><h4><strong>Innervation</strong></h4><p>The depressor supercilii muscle is innervated by the temporal branch of the <a href="/articles/facial-nerve" title="Facial nerve (CN VII)">facial nerve (CN VII)</a>.</p><h4><strong>Action</strong></h4><p>The main action provided by the depressor supercilii muscle<strong> </strong>is the depression of the eyebrow. </p>
  • +</ul><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><h5>Origin</h5><p>The<strong> </strong>depressor supercilii muscle originates from the lateral aspect of the <a href="/articles/nasion" title="Nasal bridge">nasal bridge</a> - medial part of the orbital rim and fascia covering the lower part of the <a href="/articles/nasal-bone" title="Nasal bone">nasal bone</a>.</p><h5>Insertion</h5><p>The depressor supercilii inserts on the medial side of the bony orbit in the skin below the eyebrow and intercanthal region.</p><h4>Arterial supply</h4><p>The depressor supercilii is primarily supplied by the branches of the <a href="/articles/facial-artery" title="Facial artery">facial artery</a>.</p><h4>Innervation</h4><p>The depressor supercilii muscle is innervated by the temporal branch of the <a href="/articles/facial-nerve" title="Facial nerve (CN VII)">facial nerve (CN VII)</a>.</p><h4>Action</h4><p>The main action provided by the depressor supercilii muscle<strong> </strong>is the depression of the eyebrow. </p>

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