Ischaemic stroke (summary)

Changed by Derek Smith, 9 Jan 2018

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Stroke is a clinical diagnosis where an acute neurological deficit follows a cerebrovascular insult. There are two main groups of stroke: ischaemic (>80%) or haemorrhagic (<20%) 1.

Reference article

This is a summary article; read more in our article on stroke.


  • anatomy
  • epidemiology
    • common
    • leading cause of disability
    • third highest cause of mortality in the UK 2,3
  • presentation
    • sudden neurological deficit
    • manifest symptoms depend on the vascular territories involved
    • time of onset is important when considering treatment
  • pathophysiology
    • brain parenchyma is deprived of blood flow and therefore oxygen
    • ischaemic
      • arteries occluded by thrombus or embolus
      • temporary loss of blood flow may occur (TIA)
    • cell death results in oedema and swelling
  • investigation
    • non-contrast CT head in the first instance
      • exclude haemorrhage or other cause
      • may show hyperdense vessel or evidence of infarction
    • CT angiography
      • some centres use this to identify blockages and assess collaterals when planning clot retrieval
    • MRI
      • less commonly used for acute events, but good for identifying infarcts (especially using DWI sequences)
    • ultrasound
      • carotid Doppler ultrasound in the peri-stroke period to select patients who may benefit from endarterectomy
  • treatment
    • thrombolysis or thrombectomy
      • ischaemic strokes less than 4.5 hours old
      • depends on the local protocol
      • should be discussed with an acute stroke service
    • stroke patients should be managed in a stroke centre
    • oral antiplatelet therapy
    • medical management of hypertension and risk factor reduction


  • role of imaging
    • is there evidence of stroke?
    • what is the distribution and severity of the stroke?
    • is there haemorrhagic transformation?
    • is a cause visible, e.g. in situ thrombus?
    • are there contraindications to IV thrombolysis?
    • are there indications for clot-retrieval?
    • is there significant carotid stenosis?
  • radiographic features
    • CT
      • parenchymal infarction may not be visible in the acute setting
      • with time, cytotoxic oedema causes reduced density on CT
      • clot within a vessel may be seen as hyperdensity
      • acute haemorrhage will appear dense
    • MRI
      • the most important sequence is the DWI (diffusion sequence)
      • diffusion restriction in this context is highly sensitive for ischaemia
    • angiography (CTA/MRA/DSA)
      • assessment of arterial supply to confirm whether a clot is present
    • perfusion (CT/MRI)
      • assessment of ischaemic/infarcted areas
      • ischaemicischaemia may be reversible
    • carotid doppler
      • not used in the acute setting but usually within two weeks following onset
      • assessment of the neck vessels looking for carotid stenosis
      • if >70% stenosis on affected side, surgery may be offered
  • +<li>oral antiplatelet therapy</li>
  • -<li>ischaemic may be reversible</li>
  • +<li>ischaemia may be reversible</li>
  • -<li>not used in the acute setting</li>
  • +<li>not in the acute setting but usually within two weeks following onset</li>
  • +<li>if &gt;70% stenosis on affected side, surgery may be offered</li>
Images Changes:

Image ( update )

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Case 2: Hyperdense collection in left basal ganglia with extension into ventricular systemhaemorrhage, likely hypertensive

Image 6 CT (non-contrast) ( update )

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Case 3: Hypodensityhypodensity in left PCA territory (ischaemic stroke)

Image 7 CT (non-contrast) ( update )

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Case 4: Hyperdensehyperdense right MCA

Image 8 CT (non-contrast) ( update )

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Case 4: Hypodensity infollow up, infarcted right MCA territory

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