Pilocytic astrocytoma

Last revised by Rohit Sharma on 7 Nov 2024

Pilocytic astrocytomas, also known as juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas, are circumscribed astrocytic gliomas that typically occur in young patients. The majority of sporadic pilocytic astrocytomas arise from the cerebellum, whereas in the setting of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), they often involve the optic chiasm and pathway. In adults, they are typically supratentorial 11.

Pilocytic astrocytomas are considered WHO grade 1 tumours in the WHO classification of CNS tumours and correspondingly have a relatively good prognosis 6.

These tumours have a range of imaging appearances, with the majority presenting as a large cystic lesion with a brightly enhancing mural nodule. Calcification can be present in around one-fifth of cases.

Optic pathway gliomas and spinal cord pilocytic astrocytomas are discussed separately. The remainder of this article focuses on a general discussion of pilocytic astrocytomas, particularly those in the cerebellum. 

Pilocytic astrocytomas are tumours of young people, with ~70% occurring in the first two decades of life, typically late in the first decade (9-10 years) 11. They do, however, also occasionally arise in adults 11.

Although they account for ~2.5% (range 0.6-5.1%) of all intracranial neoplasms (~4% of all glial tumours), they are the most common primary brain tumour of childhood (~15%) 7 and the second most common paediatric posterior fossa tumour (~30%) after medulloblastomas 10.

There is a strong association with NF1. NF1-associated tumours have a tendency to affect the optic nerves and chiasm (see: optic pathway glioma). The association between NF1 and pilocytic astrocytomas is so strong that up to 20% of all patients with NF1 will develop these tumours, typically in early childhood. Conversely, approximately one-third of pilocytic astrocytomas involving the optic nerves have associated NF1.

Presentation depends on location. In posterior fossa tumours, there is predominantly a mass effect with signs of raised intracranial pressure, especially when hydrocephalus is present. Bulbar symptoms or cerebellar symptoms may also be present.

The cell of origin of pilocytic astrocytomas has not been established and may be different depending on location. This is supported by the DNA methylation profile of infratentorial and supratentorial pilocytic astrocytomas being distinct but shared with region-specifc astrocytes and neuronal stem cells 15,16.

All pilocytic astrocytomas are considered WHO CNS grade 1 tumours, eventhough some have higher grade features including elevated mitotic activity and/or necrosis. These can be referred to as pilocytic astrocytoma with histological features of anaplasia, and may have a worse prognosis although this has not yet been fully determined 6.

Pilomyxoid astrocytoma is considered a subtype and is more aggressive. High-grade astrocytoma with piloid features is now considered a separate entity 6.

By far the most common location is the cerebellum, with the optic pathway being the next most common, particularly in patients with NF1. In adults, most tumours are supratentorial 11.

The distribution within the cerebellum varies with many tumours involving both the vermis and the cerebellar hemisphere.

In general, pilocytic astrocytomas typically arise from midline structures.

  • cerebellum

    • 60%

  • optic pathway (optic nerve, optic chiasm, hypothalamus, optic radiation)

  • other less common locations

    • brainstem

    • cerebral hemispheres: more frequent in adults 11

    • cerebral ventricles

    • velum interpositum

    • spinal cord: see spinal pilocytic astrocytoma

Pilocytic astrocytomas vary significantly in morphology ranging from tumours dominated by a large cyst with a smaller mural nodule, to mostly solid timours, and particularly in adults, heterogenous masses with haemorrhage, necrosis and calcification.

The classic appearing is, however, of a cyst with a mural nodule, in many ways similar to haemangioblastomas. The cyst is believed to the result of increased expression of vascular endotherlial growth factor (VEGF) which not only promotes angioneogenesis but also increases vascular permeability 14.

The term pilocytic refers to the elongated hair-like projections from the neoplastic cells 4. The presence of eosinophilic Rosenthal fibres is a characteristic feature and hyalinization of blood vessels is also common. The histological features are, however, fairly heterogeneous even within the one tumour, with some areas mimicking diffuse astrocytomas and even oligodendrogliomas 6

Immunohistochemistry reflects astrocytic differentiation 6

Pilocytic astrocytoma almost invariably have alterations in the MAPK pathway. In patients with neurofibromatosis type 1, the mutations are in the NF1 gene. Otherwise, BRAF alterations are most common, (present in ~70% of cases). Other relatively common mutations include FGFR1 mutations or fusion and KRAS mutations 6. Importantly they, along with other paediatric low-grade gliomas, lack IDH mutations and TP53 mutations 6,7.

Pilocytic astrocytomas range in appearance:

  • large cystic component with a brightly enhancing mural nodule: 67%

    • non-enhancing cyst wall: 21%

    • enhancing cyst wall: 46%

  • heterogeneous, mixed solid and multiple cysts and central necrosis: 16%

  • completely solid: 17%

Enhancement is almost invariably present (~95%). Up to 20% may demonstrate some calcification. Haemorrhage is an uncommon complication.

  • T1

    • solid component: iso- to hypointense compared to adjacent brain

    • cystic component: fluid signal unless haemorrhagic

  • T1 C+ (Gd)

    • vivid contrast enhancement

    • the cyst wall enhances in ~50% of cases

    • enhancement does not necessarily imply presence of tumour cells, particularly if very thin 2,6,9

  • T2

    • solid component: hyperintense compared to adjacent brain 

    • cystic component: high signal

  • T2*/GRE/SWI: signal loss if calcification or haemorrhage present

  • DWI/ADC: usually facilitated diffusion (DWI restriction with low ADC has been reported in BRAF V600E tumours13)

  • MRS: high choline and lactate peak13

They are slow-growing well-circumscribed tumours with an overall good prognosis in children following treatment (5-year and 10-year survival >95%) 6. Cystic tumours have an even better prognosis while fibrillary variants tend to do worse.

Surgical resection, if complete, is usually curative. Some surgeons advocate that only the nodule needs to be resected to achieve a cure, as the cyst walls are non-neoplastic, even if enhancing 2,6. Other studies suggest that the likelihood of tumour being present in the cyst wall is much higher if enhancement is present and if often obvious intra-operatively 9.

Adults have a poorer prognosis, with a ~50% 5-year survival 11,12.

It is also worth noting that historically some patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 and high-grade cerebellar tumours diagnosed as pilocytic astrocytomas, actually represented high-grade astrocytoma with piloid features.

In 1931, Harvey Cushing was the first who described this tumour based on his studies of 76 cases of cerebellar astrocytomas 5. Pilocytic means "hair-like" and is derived from the Latin word pilus for hair.

General imaging differential considerations include:

Cases and figures

  • Figure 1: histology - Rosenthal fibres with H & E stain
  • Case 1
  • Case 2
  • Case 3
  • Case 4: with hypertrophic olivery degeneration
  • Case 5
  • Case 6
  • Case 7
  • Case 8
  • Case 9: predominantly cystic
  • Case 10
  • Case 11
  • Case 12: with haemorrhage
  • Case 13: brainstem
  • Case 14: brainstem
  • Case 15: midbrain
  • Case 16: suprasellar
  • Case 17: third ventricle
  • Case 18: third ventricle
  • Case 19: periventricular
  • Case 20: trigone
  • Case 21: supratentorial
  • Case 22: supratentorial
  • Case 23: craniocervical junction
  • Case 24

Imaging differential diagnosis

  • Medulloblastoma
  • Ependymoma
  • Haemangioblastoma
  • Ganglioglioma
  • Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
  • Cerebellar abscess
  • Cerebellar haemangioblastoma

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