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Radiopaedia Blog

Licked candy stick appearance

The term licked candy stick appearance refers to tapering of the tips of the metacarpal / tarsal bones, phalanges or clavicles. This finding can be seen in advanced cases of:

Psoriatic arthritis: enthesitis and marginal erosions destroy the peripery of the bone, leaving a thinned central region. This also leads to the "pencil in cup deformity". 

Rheumatoid arthritis: marginal erosions and destruction of the joint, due to destructive pannus, also may leave a tapered portion of bone.

Leprosy: atrophy and resorption of bone due to deinvervation, begins distally in the colder regions of the body and progresses proximally. 

Section Editor Applications OpenIt's that time of year again and applications are open for the section editor 2014 positions.

Section editors are the guiding hand behind the collaborative effort of creating the largest online radiology resource on the web. As a section editor, you shape your section and maintain a high standard of content.

Being a section editor can take as little as 1 to 2 hours a week, and looks great on your CV. Your name will remain listed in the previous editors section, so that your contribution will be remembered.

  • duration: ideally 12 months
  • eligibility
    • accredited radiology registrar/resident or above
    • active member - the number and quality of prior contributions are a factor in selecting section editors (they also help you become familiar with the structure and workings of the site)
  • role
    • maintaining and organizing your section 
    • reviewing new additions for links and content
    • contributing new articles and improvements of existing articles
    • participating in discussions with other editors with regard to site-wide issues
    • encouraging and providing feedback to new contributors as well as moderating new case and article contributions
    • actively promoting

Being a section editor is rewarding, is a great way to study / revise and makes a noticeable addition to your CV. You also make connections with contemporaries from around the world, which, as many of the current editors will attest to, is one of the most enjoyable aspects of this community.

To apply, email a copy of your CV and a list of the sections you are interested in editing to [email protected]. Please include your username, so that we can review your profile and previous contributions.

27th Sep 2013 21:48 UTC

CAVITY - mnemonic

CAVITY - a useful mnemonic for the causes of a cavitating lung mass.

C = cancer 
A = autoimmune granulomas
V = vascular 
I = infection
T = trauma
Y = youth 

Case 1 is an example of a cavitating primary lung cancer. Case 2 shows a thick walled cavity in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis. Case 3 is an example of tuberculosis. Case 4 is of congenital pulmonary airways malformation (CPAM) in a neonate. 

24th Sep 2013 10:58 UTC

Radiology Quiz #2

What is this sign called, and what treatment of what condition causes it?

24th Sep 2013 10:52 UTC

Corkscrew sign of midgut volvulus

  • Corkscrew sign - describes the spiral appearance of the distal duodenum and proximal jejunum in the setting of midgut volvulus on contrast studies. In patients with congenital malrotation of the midgut, the distal duodenum and proximal jejunum do not cross the midline and instead pass inferiorly. These loops are predisposed to twist on their shortened mesentery creating the classic corkscrew appearance of midgut volvulus.

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