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Normal MRI cervical spine

Case contributed by Mohd Radhwan Bin Abidin
Diagnosis not applicable


Fall with neck pain

Patient Data

Age: 20 years old
Gender: Female

Cervical spine


Normal cervical lordosis. Cervical spinal alignment is preserved. No spondylolisthesis. Vertebral body heights are preserved. Normal marrow signal at cervical vertebrae. Intervertebral discs show normal signals. No disc bulge. Visualized spinal cord shows normal signal intensity. 

The spinal canal is spacious. Exit foramen are spacious and nerve roots escaped bilaterally. No nerve root impingement. No ligament flavum thickening. 

Case Discussion

This is normal cervical spine MRI. There is special sequence of axial T2 which is axial T2 MEDIC. T2 MEDIC is special sequence specifically for Siemens (MERGE for GE, M-FFE for Philips).

MEDIC stands for "Multi-Echo Data Image Combination" and it is spoiled, T2* weighted sequence for spinal and musculoskeletal MR.  The sequence shows excellent contrast between cord, CSF and disk. The artifact from CSF pulsation is also eliminated by using this sequence. 

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