Spinal pilocytic astrocytoma

Case contributed by Joe Cyriac
Diagnosis certain


Lack of coordination

Patient Data

Age: 20 months
Gender: Female

There is an intramedullary peripherally enhancing T2 hyperintense lesion extending from the level of C5-T3 which expands the cervicothoracic cord which is eccentric to the right of the central canal and has heterogenous peripheral enhancement measuring approximately 4.4 x 1.1 x 1.4 cm . There is also effacement of the surrounding extramedullary CSF space.

Pathology report


Pathology report confirms pilocytic astrocytoma.

Case Discussion

This case demonstrates a pediatric cervical spinal cord pilocytic astrocytoma confirmed by biopsy via a posterior laminectomy. MRI remains the gold standard modality of initial imaging.

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