Carotid body tumor

Case contributed by Maher Ahmad Tarawneh
Diagnosis almost certain


Slow-growing, pulsatile, non-tender, and rubbery mass at the left lateral side of the neck.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

Well-defined solid heterogenous lesion causing marked splaying of left internal and left external carotid arteries and showing prominent internal vascularity in the color duplex study.


Large vividly and homogenously enhancing soft tissue density mass lesion seen centered at left carotid bifurcation with marked splaying of left internal and external carotid arteries.

Case Discussion

This is a classical appearance of paraganglioma (Carotid body tumor) of a 25-year-old male who presented with a slow-growing, non-tender rubbery mass at the left lateral side of the neck.

Case contributors:

  1. Emad Saleh Tarawneh (Radiology consultant)

  2. Maher Ahmad Tarawneh (Specialty trainee)

  3. Mohamed Ahmed kharabsheh (Specialty trainee)

  4. Fatima Abdulsattar AlKubaisi (Specialty trainee)

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