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Giant cell tumor of bone

Case contributed by Yahya Baba
Diagnosis almost certain


Left knee pain with a lytic lesion on plain radiograph.

Patient Data

Age: 18 years
Gender: Female
  • unique well-circumscribed femoral distal epiphyseal-metaphyseal lesion centered on the physis of a mature skeleton

  • partial destruction and breach of the surrounding cortex with mild soft tissue extension

  • surrounding bone marrow edema

  • the distance from the articular surface is <2 mm

  • the lesion is completely solid with no cystic nor fluid-fluid levels suggesting aneurysmal bone cyst-like changes. The solid components exhibit intense enhancement

  • no joint effusion

  • no pathologic fracture

  • incidental phase-encoded motion artifact due to the popliteal artery pulsations

  • CT confirms the cortical involvement

  • there is no aggressive periosteal reaction

Case Discussion

Features of a giant cell tumor of the distal femoral epiphysis with concerning features and risk factors for local recurrence (cortical involvement, soft tissue extension, and proximity to the articular surface).

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