Multicystic encephalomalacia

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis almost certain


Microcephaly with delayed milestones. History of birth asphyxia in a full-term neonate with laborious vaginal delivery.

Patient Data

Age: 6 months
Gender: Female

The MRI sequences demonstrate:

  • decreased volume of the cerebral hemispheres

  • multiple cysts of varying size and shape located bilaterally within the frontoparietal white matter and inner layers of the cortex of low signal on T1 and FLAIR, high signal on T2 with no restricted duffusion

  • relative sparing of some supratentorial structures (basal ganglia, inferior temporal lobes)

  • ex vacuo dilatation of the lateral ventricles with intact ventricular walls

  • atrophy of the corpus callosum

  • preserved posterior fossa

Case Discussion

MRI features of a multicystic encephalomalacia which corresponds to a variant of encephalomalacia commonly seen in term neonates as a result of an extensive brain insult.

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