Recto-vaginal fistula

Case contributed by Manar Alaa El Din osman
Diagnosis certain


Known uterine and cervical mass treated with radiotherapy, and discharging stool from the vagina.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Female

contrast enema was done


Circumferential wall thickening is seen involving the anal canal measuring about 1.8 cm in thickness with an ill-defined contrast-filled track seen connecting the anterior wall of the anal canal and extending through the posterior vaginal wall with flow of the contrast through the vaginal orifice.

The uterus appears bulky showing moderate intra-cavitary fluid density and also extending to fill the cervical canal.

Multiple ill-defined gas densities are seen along the posterior cervical lip as well as within the cervical canal.

Small midline hernial defects are noted.


Contrast enema through an anal canal catheter shows the contrast-filled track.

Case Discussion

Recto-vaginal fistulas in this case occurred as a complication of radiotherapy, it also can result from iatrogenic injury, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn disease), and pelvic malignancy.

Can be diagnosed with fluoroscopy or through contrast injection into the anal canal.

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