Penetrating neck injury

Case contributed by Ryan Thibodeau
Diagnosis certain


Penetrating injury. Neurovascular intact.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male

The foreign body enters the right side of the face adjacent to the right mandibular head posterior to the right parotid gland and terminates at the right posterior elements of C2. While thorough evaluation is limited due to beam artifact, there is no contrast extravasation to suggest injury to the right vertebral artery. There is no dissection or occlusion of the right vertebral artery.

Case Discussion

This is a case of a penetrating neck injury from a screwdriver, without vessel or osseous injury.

The patient was brought to the operating room for removal of the foreign body and wound washout. Intraoperatively, there was no evidence of bleeding, vessel injury, or hematoma. The patient was discharged with outpatient follow-up.

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