Trigeminal schwannoma

Case contributed by Ammar Haouimi
Diagnosis probable


Left facial numbness in a hypertensive patient.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

Well-circumscribed extra-axial dumble-shaped mass, extending along the course of the left trigeminal nerve (cisternal and cavernous portions). It displays a low signal on T1, a high signal on FLAIR, and T2 with no restricted diffusion on DWI or calcification/hemorrhagic component on the GE sequence. The postcontrast sequences show a heterogeneous enhancement. A moderate mass effect is noted on the pons and the left temporal lobe.

Small vessel ischemic change is noted.

Case Discussion

MRI features of an enhancing soft tissue mass along the cisternal and cavernous portions of the trigeminal nerve most consistent with a trigeminal schwannoma.

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