Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome

Case contributed by Ibraheem Mohammad AL-Boany
Diagnosis almost certain


Growth delay

Patient Data

Age: 3 years
Gender: Male

Coronal and sagittal images obtained at the level of the pituitary fossa show interruption of the pituitary stalk with complete absence of the anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) and ectopic posterior pituitary.

Case Discussion

Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome is a relatively rare condition, which can be presented with various hormonal abnormalities, ranging from isolated growth hormone deficiency, as in this case, to combined pituitary gland hormone deficiencies. Pituitary MRI findings include thinning or interruption of the pituitary stalk associated with hypoplasia/aplasia of the anterior pituitary accompanied with ectopic posterior pituitary.

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