Postoperative ileus

Case contributed by Kevan English
Diagnosis certain


Intermittent abdominal pain with a history of juxta-visceral aortic aneurysm.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

X-ray Abdomen KUB


Distended loops of small and large bowel, likely representing generalised ileus in the appropriate clinical setting. Post surgical changes noted along the abdomen with clips in the left upper quadrant and cutaneous staples in the left lower quadrant.

No pneumoperitoneum noted on the study however, evaluation limited due to supine view.

Lumbar spine hardware appears intact without adjacent fracture or lucency.

Case Discussion

This represents a case of generalised ileus. The patient presented with intermittent abdominal pain. A preoperative diagnosis of juxta-visceral aortic aneurysm was made, and he was treated with an axillo-uni-iliac and visceral bypass with spliced Dacron 8 mm to 8 mm polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) bifurcated graft with subsequent explantation. On postoperative day 7, abdominal distension was noted. An abdominal x-ray revealed postoperative ileus. The patient was started on IV fluids and a regular diet.

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